Samian Honorific Decree
(Ch. Habicht, MDAI(A) 72, 1957, 193, no. 25)



View 150 dpi image of Ch. Habicht, MDAI(A) 72, 1957, 193, no. 25 fr. a.


View 150 dpi image of Ch. Habicht, MDAI(A) 72, 1957, 193, no. 25 fr. b.

A smaller, 72 dpi image of the whole inscription is also available.

Catalogue Record

Category: Honorific Decree
Subject: Honorific decree for [-] son of Agathokles, granting citizenship and proxeny in return for help before and after the return from exile; inscribed by the "Cutter of Samos 161" (S.V. Tracy, Chiron 20, 1990, 66)
Date: ca. 306-301 BC
Provenience: Samos
Location: Samian Heraion (Inv. J 285 + 318)

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