Fragments of Athenian proxeny decrees
(IG, I3, 28)


View 150 dpi image of IG, I3, 28 frs. a-b.

A smaller, 72 dpi image of this inscription is also available.

View 150 dpi image of IG, I3, 28 fr. c.

A smaller, 72 dpi image of this inscription is also available.

Catalogue Record

Category: Decree
Subject: Fragments of Athenian proxeny decrees. Frs. a and b preserve a list of names for which a provenience from Abydos has been suggested, and the heading of an Athenian decree. Fr. c, which may not belong with a and b, contains resolutions about the status of the proxenoi.
The lower right corner of what may have been a relief panel is preserved at the top of fr. b.
Date: ca. 450-40 (Meiggs); 426/5 or 422/1 (Mattingly) BC
Provenience: Athens
Bibliography: C.L. Lawton, Attic Document Reliefs (Oxford, 1995), no. 64
Location: Epigraphical Museum, Athens (Inv. EM 6820 and 5409)

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