Decree of the koinon of Thessalians and Koan answering decree
M. Segre, RivFil 12 (1934), 169-93


Thumbnail Image of Squeeze

72 dpi image of RivFil 12 (1934), 169-93, face A fr. 2.

A larger, 150 dpi image of this inscription is also available.

Thumbnail Image of Squeeze

72 dpi image of RivFil 12 (1934), 169-93, face B fr. 2.

A larger, 150 dpi image of this inscription is also available.

Thumbnail Image of Squeeze

72 dpi image of RivFil 12 (1934), 169-93, face B fr. 3.

A larger, 150 dpi image of this inscription is also available.

Catalogue Record

Category: Decree
Subject: Two fragments from an opisthographic stele inscribed with a decree of the koinon of the Thessalians and an answering Koan honorific decree; the former refers to a corn shortage (sitodeia) in which the Thessalians had assisted the Koans.
Date: mid-3rd century BC.
Location: Kos, Castle Museum (ED 48)

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