

Applications are invited for a half-time Research Associate to join a one year project under the direction of Miss J.M. Reynolds and Dr. W.M. Beard in the Epigraphic Collection of the Museum. Duties of the post include identification of texts, organisation of the collection, preparation of a catalogue and collaboration in publication. The succesful applicant will have a doctorate in a relevant area and specialist training in epigraphy. Expertise in Roman inscriptions of the Greek East may be an advantage. The project will begin on 1 October 1997 or as soon as possible thereafter. The pensionable stipend will be up to £19,371 pa pro rata.

Further particulars may be obtained from the Secretary of the Appointments Committee, Faculty of Classics, Sidgwick Avenue, Cambridge, CB3 , to whom also applications (giving details of qualifications and experience together with a curriculum vitae and the names and addresses of two referees) should be sent, to arrive not later than 27 June 1997. Applicants should ask their referees to write direct to the Secretary of the Appointments Committee at the above address, to reach her by the closing date.

The University follows an equal opportunities policy.

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