Scribes and Scholars
Hesiod, Catalogue of Women
Alcman, Partheneia
Simonides, Elegies
Aeschylus, Dictyulci: satyr-drama
Critical marks: Plato, Phaedo
Inept corrections: Plato, Phaedrus
Revision and collation: Aeschines, In Ctesiphontem
Menander, Misoumenos
Callimachus, Aetia prologue
Drifting lines: Duris?, History of Sicily
An ancient sex manual: Philaenis, The Art of Love
List of Epigrams
Elegy on Gods and their Boy Loves: Hadrian and Antinoos?
The Empire Writes Back: Oracle of the Potter
A Greek Satyricon?: Iolaus Romance
New Testament: Jude 4-5, 7-8
Demetrius the bookseller has them: a reader writes
Book Titles and Tags:
Textbook on mythology
- Latin texts:
Gaius, Institutiones IV
Virgil, Aeneid XI: a scribes exercise
Scribes practising various styles