Vol. I: More Texts

LXIX: Complaint of a Robbery: AD 190

‘. . . they broke down a door that led into the public street and had been blocked up with bricks, probably using a log of wood as a battering-ram. They then entered the house . . .’.

The thieves stole ten artabae — perhaps 30-40 kilos — of barley, which the plaintiff, Nechthenibis, thinks they dragged away using a rope. The petition ends: ‘I, Diogenes son of Apollonius wrote this down for him [the plaintiff], who is illiterate.’

CXXIX: Repudiation of a Betrothal: sixth century

‘. . . eleventh indication. I John, father of Euphemia, my unemancipated daughter, do send this present deed of separation and dissolution to you, Phoebammon, my most honourable son-in-law, by the hand of the most illustrious advocate Anastasius of this city of Oxyrhynchus. It is as follows. Forasmuch as it has come to my ears that you are giving yourself over to lawless deeds, which are pleasing to neither God nor man, and are not fit to be put into writing, I think it well that the engagement between you and her, my daughter Euphemia, should be dissolved, seeing that, as is foresaid, I have heard you are giving yourself over to lawless deeds and that I wish my daughter to lead a peaceful and quiet life. ...’

“The body of a man”: previous page / Excavations and Finds