Fragmentary Proxeny Decree for unnamed Sestians
IG ii2 274


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72 dpi image of IG ii2 274.

A larger, 150 dpi image of this inscription is also available.

Catalogue Record

Category: Decree
Subject: Fragment from the publication clauses of an Athenian proxeny decree; since a copy of the decree is to be inscribed on Sestos by the archon there, the honorands seem likely to have been Sestian and the date of the decree to fall within the period of the Athenian cleruchy.
The lettering is identified by Tracy as that of the "Cutter of IG ii2 105". Tracy also associates this fragment with ii2 272 and restores a single text; but the stoichedon pattern of 272 is somewhat larger, so that the association seems excluded.
Date: c. 355-338 BC.
Bibliography: S.V. Tracy, Athenian Democracy in Transition (Berkeley, 1995), 70-73.
Location: Athens, Epigraphical Museum (EM 7118)

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