Seminar Programme

The Centre's regular seminar series on documentary subjects, continues in Michaelmas Term 1996 with four seminars on "Documents Old and New", for which the programme is as follows:

16 October: Dr. M. Brosius, "Accounting in the Persepolis Fortification Tablets"

30 October: Dr.N. Gonis, "Roman duces in Egypt: some new evidence"

13 November: Mr. H.S. Kim, "How to make good use of money. Uses for small change"

27 November: Dr. E. Matthews, "From inscription to onomasticon: the Bouthrotos manumission texts and LGPN"

Meetings will be held in the Centre on alternate Wednesdays at 5.00 p.m.

Hilary and Trinity Terms 1997

The seminar series will be interrupted in Hilary (January-March) 1997 , but will resume again in Trinity (April-June) Term 1997 with a further four papers on alternate Wednesdays. Details of these will be announced in the next newsletter.

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Visiting Scholars

Prof. R.S. Bagnall of Columbia University, the Centre's first Honorary Visiting Fellow, completed his year in Oxford in July. During his stay he worked on the publication of new papyri from the Dakleh Oasis, one of which provided the subject for a seminar in Trinity term. Professor Bagnall also participated in two workshops at the Centre, on Education in Egypt and on the Digitisation of Ancient Documents.

Prof. Traianos Gagos of the University of Michigan held a British Academy Visiting Research Fellowship at the Centre in May and June. During his stay Prof. Gagos gave a lecture on his current work at Petra and was able to complete editorial work on a Festschrift for Prof. Koenen. He also provided much valuable advice about the Centre's digitisation projects based on his own initiatives at Michigan.

Prof. Wolfgang Blümel of Cologne University spent a week at the Centre at the beginning of July working on new corpora of inscriptions from Priene and Teos. During his stay he also presented some new epigraphical material from Caria to a group of Oxford graduate students.

The Centre was visited on 17 June by Prof. John Laver, the Chairman of the Humanities Research Board who was responsible for introducing the Institutional Fellowship programme of which the Centre has been one of the first beneficiaries.

Among other visitors who have made use of the centre's facilities have been Prof. Paul Schubert (University of Neuchâtel), Dr. Cornelia Römer (Cologne), Dr. Hannah M. Cotton (Hebrew University of Jerusalem) , and Dr. Brian McGing (Trinity College Dublin).

The Centre is able to provide a base for a limited number of visiting scholars working in fields related to its activities. Enquiries should be addressed to the Director.

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Other News

The Director, Dr. A.K. Bowman, will be away on leave from 20 October to 17 November 1996 as a guest of the Ancient History Documentary Research Centre at Macquarie University.

Dr. N. Gonis, Research Assistant to the Oxyrhynchus Papyri, has been appointed to a Junior Research Fellowship at Wolfson College. His work will be supported over the next three years by a grant from the Leverhulme Trust.

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Circulation and Contributions

This is the third newsletter of the Centre for the Study of Ancient Documents. The Newsletter is circulated biannually in Autumn and Spring. The Newsletter invites contributions of news, reports and discussion items from and of interest to scholars working in the fields of the Centre's activities - epigraphy and papyrology understood in the widest sense. The Newsletter is circulated to individual scholars on the Centre's mailing list and is also available from the Centre's WWW site in HTML format or for downloading, either as a text file or as an Adobe Acrobat PDF file. Contributions, together with other enquiries and requests to be placed on the Centre's mailing list, should be addressed to the Administrator at the Centre.

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Centre for the Study of Ancient Documents
University of Oxford
67 St. Giles
Oxford OX1 3LU
Tel. and Fax: 01865 288180

A.K. Bowman MA PhD FBA
Christ Church
Oxford OX1 1DP
Tel. 01865 276202

C.V. Crowther MA PhD
Centre for the Study of Ancient Documents

Management Committee Prof. P.J. Parsons (Christ Church); Prof. E.M. Steinby (All Souls); Dr. B.M. Levick (St. Hilda's College); Dr. D. Obbink (Christ Church); Prof. R.G. Osborne (Corpus Christi College); Dr. R.S.O. Tomlin (Wolfson College)

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This page was created on 18 April 1996