Newsletter No. 7, Winter 1998/99

Visitors to CSAD

Mr. Hiroshi Maeno of Hiroshima University is a visiting student at the Centre and at Wolfson College in the academic year 1998/99. During his stay he has been continuing his research into Greek history, concentrating on the documentary evidence for Athenian cleruchies and colonisation, while at the same time extending the range of his epigraphical training.

Dr. René Nünlist of the University of Basel is visiting Oxford in Winter 1998/99 as an Honorary Fellow of the Centre.

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Recent News

AHRB Awards

The Centre is pleased to report that applications for substantial research grants to continue the work on the digitisation and publication of the Vindolanda Ink Tablets reported in Newsletter Issue 3 and to complete work on the digitisation of the Oxyrhynchus Papyri submitted to the Arts and Humanities Research Board of the British Academy in September have recently received approval. The success of these applications will allow the appointment of additional Research Assistants and the purchase of a second PhaseOne PowerPhase Digital Camera. The awards take effect from 1 March and are tenable for one year initially, with the possibility of renewal for a further two years if satisfactory progress can be demonstrated.

Another successful application to the AHRB was made by Prof. E. Bent of the Faculty of Music for the Digital Image Archive of Medieval Music project with which the Centre has cooperated closely.

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Circulation and Contributions

This is the seventh newsletter of the Centre for the Study of Ancient Documents. The Newsletter is circulated in Winter and Summer. The Newsletter invites contributions of news, reports and discussion items from and of interest to scholars working in the fields of the Centre's activities - epigraphy and papyrology understood in the widest sense. The Newsletter is circulated to individual scholars on the Centre's mailing list and is also available from the Centre's WWW site in HTML format or for downloading, either as a text file or as an Adobe Acrobat PDF file. Contributions, together with other enquiries and requests to be placed on the Centre's mailing list, should be addressed to the Administrator at the Centre.

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