CSAD Newsletter 9, Winter 2002

CSAD Notes and Updates

Perseus in Oxford

Since November 1999 the Centre has been maintaining a British Mirror site for the Perseus Digital Library on behalf of the Faculty of Classics as a service to the UK Classics community (http://perseus.csad.ox.ac.uk).

Imaging Incised Documents

The Centre's EPSRC-funded Imaging Incised Documents project produced results of real significance in the course of 2000-2001. The methods developed by the project of identifying strokes by isolating shadows, highlights and the transitions from one to the other proved particularly effective in the partial decipherment of a tablet concerned with the despatch of a slave on a mission and mentioning two known Gallic tribal names.

Imaging Inscriptions

The last year and a half have seen considerable progress in the digitisation of the Centre's squeeze archive. A new Epson 1640 XL A3 flatbed scanner has been acquired and funding from the Faculty Research Projects Committee has made it possible to employ a number of graduate assistants. As a result, the digitisation programme is on schedule to be completed within its original proposed timetable (to September 2003).

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