CSAD Newsletter 9, Winter 2002 |
The Centre is able to provide a base for a limited number of visiting scholars working in fields related to its activities. Enquiries concerning admission as Visiting Research Fellow (from established scholars) or as Visiting Research Associate (from junior scholars) should be addressed to the Director. Association with the Centre in either capacity carries with it membership of the University's Classics Centre.
Among visitors to the Centre in 1999/2001 were Dr. Alexis D'Hautcourt, who spent the academic year 1999/2000 in Oxford working on a revision of J. Marcadé's Recueil des signatures de sculpteurs grecs and contributed the article on sculptors' signatures earlier in the Newsletter; Prof. R.S. Bagnall, who was a Senior Visiting Research Fellow of the Centre in Trinity Term, 2001 and presented a seminar on the Nekrotaphoi Archive on 6 June; and Dr. H. Perdicoyianni, who spent July-August, 2001 in Oxford as a Visiting Research Associate of the Centre.
Prof. Akiko Moroo (Chiba University of Commerce) came to Oxford at the end of March, 2001 as a Senior Visiting Research Fellow of CSAD and Visiting Scholar at Wolfson College to pursue research on 5th-century Athenian history and epigraphy during a sabbatical year.
Dr. P.J. Stylianou is a Senior Visiting Research Fellow of the Centre for the academic year 2001/2002. Prof. A. Avram will also be a Visiting Research Fellow and Dr. C. Mancini a Visiting Research Associate during 2002.
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