Among visitors to CSAD during the summer of 1997/8 have been Prof. J. McCoy (UNC Chapel Hill); Ms. Sofia Kravaritou (Paris); Dr. Frits Hondius (Strasbourg). Prof. J.F. Oates of Duke University spent a week at the Centre in June and provided much valuable advice, as well as current information on the DDBDP and APIS.
We are sad to report that Prof. W.G. Forrest died on 14 October, 1997. In addition to his brilliant work on Greek history and historiography, Prof. Forrest devoted much of his career to the epigraphy of Chios. The extensive photographic and squeeze collections that he assembled for the IG Corpus of Chios have been deposited in the Centre's archives, where it is intended that they will be used in the continuation of his work.
Dr. A.E. Cooley, the Centre's new Publications Officer, has been elected to a Junior Research Fellowship at Corpus Christi College.
The Centre's Administrator, Dr. C.V. Crowther, has been elected to a Research Fellowship at Wolfson College.
This is the fifth newsletter of the Centre for the Study of Ancient Documents. The Newsletter is circulated in Autumn and early Summer. The Newsletter invites contributions of news, reports and discussion items from and of interest to scholars working in the fields of the Centre's activities - epigraphy and papyrology understood in the widest sense. The Newsletter is circulated to individual scholars on the Centre's mailing list and is also available from the Centre's WWW site (URL in HTML format or for downloading, either as a text file or as an Adobe Acrobat PDF file. Contributions, together with other enquiries and requests to be placed on the Centre's mailing list, should be addressed to the Administrator at the Centre.
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