The Centre begins its third year amid encouraging omens. The Papyrology Summer School in Oxford in July and September's well-attended 11th International Epigraphical Congress in Rome demonstrated, in their different ways, the continuing vitality of epigraphical and papyrological studies. At the Centre itself a new digitising project is under way that should over the course of the coming year make digitised images of a substantial proportion of published Oxyrhynchus papyri accessible through the Internet, and CSAD's joint image enhancement project with the Department of Engineering Science has shown promising initial results.
There have also been two new appointments Dr. Maria Brosius will be reorganising the Centre's Persepolis archive over the coming year, and Dr. Alison Cooley has become CSAD's first Publications Officer. Their welcome influence in extending the range of the Centre's activities is already apparent in the workshops and conferences that they will be organising in 1998.
CSAD's Third
11th International Congress of Greek and Latin
Epigraphy and Information Technology
CSAD News and Activities
Papyrology Summer School, 1997
Oxyrhynchus Symposium
Corpus Fontium Manichaearum
"Ancient Documents Old and New"
Lewis Memorial Fund and Lecture
British Epigraphy Society Spring Colloquium
CSAD Events, Autumn-Winter
Visitors to CSAD
Prof. W.G. Forrest
Other News
Circulation and Contributions
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