The Centre's seminar series continued in Michaelmas Term 1997 with a group of four papers on literary themes chaired by Dirk Obbink. An additional series of papers in Hilary Term focused on papyrological and epigraphical topics.
Short summaries of the papers, with the exception of Michael Macdonald's seminar on Safaitic Inscriptions, of which an extended report appears separately, follow:
The Epigrams of Philodemos
Dreams and Prophecy from Ptolemaic Saqqara
Poetry on Stone: Subliterary Verse Inscriptions
and Sub-elite Culture in Greco-Roman Egypt
A New Orphicorum Fragmenta
A Numismatic Problem in Fourth-Century Papyrology:
What is a Monad?
Papyrological Evidence for the Transport of Stone
in Roman Egypt
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