Script, Image and the Culture of Writing in the Ancient World

Epigraphic Sources for Early Greek Writing

Images from the Jeffery Archive


Bayrakli Trench B


Bayrakli Trench B

Bayrakli Trench B

Bayrakli Workmen

BSA Easter 1963

Rowing at Cambridge

Cattle lifting


Delos: Naxian Base

Delos: column

Delos: atelia decree


LHJ and friends

LHJ knitting

Notes on Thasos

Thasian texts

LSAG 307 no. 63

LSAG 307 no. 63

Parian inscription

Whig Hall

Pylos c. 1943


Map of Thasos

Thasos Harbour

Camels at Troy

Naxian kouros base

Notes on kouros base

Notes on kouros base

Notes on kouros base

Notes on kouros base

Text on kouros base

Spiral inscription

7c vase inscription

Notes on 7c vase

Ason the builder

Ason the builder

Ason the builder

Notes on Ason

Dedication of Mikkiades

Mikkiades notes

Mikkiades notes

Mikkiades notes

Mikkiades notes

Dedication by Nikoleos

Dedication by Nikoleos

Graffito on a mask

Graffito on a mask

Graffito on a mask

Graffito on a cup

Graffito on a cup

Graffito on a cup

Graffito on lekythos

Rock-cut inscription

Rock inscription notes

Rock inscription notes

Rock inscription notes

Thasian treason law







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