Script, Image and the Culture of Writing in the Ancient World

Epigraphic Sources for Early Greek Writing

3.8 The Photographic Archive: Inscriptions 1

Of most immediate interest for the Early Greek Writing project are the photographs of Greek inscriptions in the archive, exemplified in the following selection:

Delos: Naxian marble base, c.600-575 (LSAG p. 304 no. 10)

Delos: column bearing a dedication to Athena, c.525-500 (LSAG p. 306 no. 42)

Delos: ateleia decree for Aristophilos and his brothers, c. 400 B.C. (I.Délos 71: not in LSAG)

Paros: stele dedicated to a deity, c.600-550? (LSAG p. 305 no. 27)

Thasos: inscription by the southern city gate, c.525-500 (LSAG p. 307 no. 63): overall view

Thasos: inscription by the southern city gate, c.525-500 (LSAG p. 307 no. 63): detail from left edge

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