Script, Image and the Culture of Writing in the Ancient World

Epigraphic Sources for Early Greek Writing

3.10 The Photographic Archive: Inscriptions 3

Delos: graffito dedication inside the rim of an Attic black-figure Siana cup, overview, c. 550-500 (LSAG p. 306 no. 43b)

Delos: graffito dedication inside the rim of an Attic black-figure Siana cup, detail, c. 550-500 (LSAG p. 306 no. 43b)

Delos: graffito dedication inside the rim of an Attic black-figure Siana cup, detail, c. 550-500 (LSAG p. 306 no. 43b)

Delos: graffito dedication on an Attic black-figure lekythos, c. 550-500 (LSAG p. 306 no. 43f)

Thasos: laws concerning treason to the oligarchy, c.411-410 (LSAG p. 308 no. 76)

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