Script, Image and the Culture of Writing in the Ancient World

Epigraphic Sources for Early Greek Writing

4.1 Putting Papers and Photographs Together

Taken together, the papers and photographs in the archive can add substantially to the brief notes on individual inscriptions discussed in LSAG. The following selection, intended to illustrate the potential of this resource, relates to texts catalogued in the section in LSAG on the Ionic Islands (pp. 303-308):

Naxos 3 (LSAG p. 304; IG XII 5, 2, p. xxiv; IDélos 1)

Triangular base for a kouros made and dedicated by the Naxian sculptor Euthykartides on Delos, c. 620-600(?).

LHJ's photograph of the Euthykartides base showing the dedicatory inscription

LHJ's perspective drawing of the Euthykartides base showing the gorgon's head on the left side of the dedicatory inscription

LHJ's transcription of the dedicatory inscription, which shows the earliest use of punctuation in Cycladic inscriptions

LHJ's notes on the Euthykartides base with a drawing of the upper surface

LHJ's notes on the publication history of the Euthykartides base

Further notes on the publication history of the Euthykartides base

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